Movies Reviews

Hoodwinked movie

My family and I recently rented the new kids movie Hoodwinked. If you don’t know about this movie than let me give an overview of it. Hoodwinked is about the story Little Red Riding Hood with a bit of a twist. Little Red delivers desserts for her grandmother. As …

The Others movie

A mother and her two small children live in a large mansion, waiting for their husband and father to return from WWII. We soon learn that he is probably dead, but Grace, the mother (Nicole Kidman) refuses to accept this and keeps waiting. Meanwhile, strange things are taking place …

Matt’s Million movie

When I began watching this British movie, I thought, “Definitely not Hollywood.” I don’t know how to describe it, but the movie had this simplistic, almost amateur feel. However, very soon I stopped noticing it.
The story itself is not very original: a teenage boy unexpectedly becomes a millionaire. I …

The Island movie

If there ever was a movie that made you think about cloning and all the moral dilemas with it, The Island is definitely it.
Based in the not-to-distant future. The movie stars Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson as two people being held in an underground bunker that supposedly houses the …

Cinderella Man movie

For years, when I thought of boxing movies, I always put Rocky on top of the list. However, after seeing Cinderella Man, there is a new #1.
Based on the real life story of Jim Braddock, the movie focused on the Great Depression and how one man’s return to glory …

Roman Holiday movie

Like the Prince and me that’s similar to the 1950’s classic a Roman Holiday, this time it’s guy meets princess. Starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck, two of the greatest actors of the 20th century and two of the greatest screen couples in film history.
Audrey Hepburn as princess Ann …

Fever Pitch movie

Fever Pitch, starring Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon, has been out on video for a few months now, but if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it.
This is a great date night movie. Guys - it has baseball! What more can you ask for? …

Chronicles of Narnia, one big bore

When the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe came out, I remember wanting to go see it at the theater only to find it was always sold out. Now that I’ve seen it on DVD, I’m glad I didn’t waste my money.
I’m not really sure …

Elizabethtown the movie

Orlando Bloom may be a great character actor and eye candy for women every where but, as a leading actor, he leaves a lot to be desired.
The movie Elizabethtown had great intentions and could have been a great love story. But, in my opinion, it fell flat. Kirsten Dunst …

Scary Movie 4

After seeing Scary Movie 4 this past weekend, I was glad to finally see a movie series that gets better with time. Since dumping the Wayan Brothers prior to the third movie, the plots in the Scary Movie series have gotten more mature and focus more on movie spoofs …


Royce returns in UFC II to win his second tournament and, although some of the matches are quite good such as Royce vs Pat Smith, this event will be forever known for an overmatched Fred Ettish getting a horrible, one sided beating at the hands of Johnny Rhodes.
Actually, there …

Wedding Crashers movie

I’ve been getting a little burnt out on Owen Wilson comedies so I didn’t know what to think when I finally watched Wedding Crashers for the first time. It was hillarious.
Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn make a great team, pretending to be related to the wedding parties so they …

Sidekicks (movie)

Back when I was in karate and beginning to lose interest, my dad bought me the movie Sidekicks, with Chuck Norris. I really enjoyed the movie and it definitely renewed my interest in martial arts, and hence I stayed in the sport until I was about 14.
What was great …

The Lord Of The Rings movies

So after reading the books as many times as I have, of course I HAD to see the movies in theatres when they were released. Of course, I now own them all :D. The movies had amazing special effects, and excellent casting and costume staff. Each part was played …


It seemed that George Romero would never make another zombie film. Twenty years had passed since the release and flop of the over-rated DAY OF THE DEAD and nary a new Romero Zombie film was in sight.
Actually, this film was bouncing around in development for a …


This is the second DVD Lionsgate Films has released on the runaway horror smash and it includes a few more snippets of gore than needed to be trimmed for the film to secure and R rating.
SAW is easily one of the most refreshingly original films to come …

Cursed (Theatrical Version)

CURSED (Theatrical version)
This cinematic hairball was released in two versions on DVD: R-Rated and unrated.
I’m not sure what the difference is between the two because I saw this mess in theaters and have absolutely no desire to muddle through it again, in any version.
Wes Craven’s first werewolf film is …


If ever a cult movie deserved a special edition DVD it is DEATHDREAM (AKA DEAD OF NIGHT), a chilling horror film about a vietnam soldier, mistakenly declared dead, surprisingly returns home.
Well, maybe not mistakenly dead. He is dead. He’s an unliving vampire-zombie who needs blood to survive and, …


Has Mel Gibson ever made a worse film?
Trying to cash in on Mel’s tremendous success in BRAVEHEART, Roland (THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW among other travesties) Emmerlich cast Mel in a really badly written American Revolution historical picture.
Originally conceived as a WW2 movie, it mutated into the junk that …


John C. Holmes was the single most famous adult film star in history. In the early 1980’s, long after his porn career had ended, he found himself faces murder charges in the deaths of several lowlifes on Wonderland Ave in Los Angeles. This is that story.
Val Kilmer plays …

Mission Impossible 3 (movie)

My boyfriend and I are serious movie freaks…we own a serious amount of DVD’s and go to see new movies all the time. So naturally, we went to see M:I 3 on it’s opening weekend. Theatres were packed. Line ups and waits were ridiculous. And as always, you had …

Just My Luck movie

I was given free tickets to a premier showing of “Just My Luck,” starring Lindsey Lohann, so a male friend of mine and I went to see it. Every teenage girl within a 30-mile radius seemed to be at this premier. Some of them even managed to drag …

DVD North Country

Imagine a Lifetime Television Original with a bunch of four letter words and you get North Country.
North Country tells the (cliched) true tale of a woman who brought a class action sexual harrassement suit against the bad dialogue spewing management of a coal mine.
Movies like this have been a …

DVD Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns

Ugh. Poor John Carpenter. Has the legendary director of HALLOWEEN and ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK really hit rock bottom?
Masters of Horror is the new Showtime Cable anthology series that features a different horror genre icons directing each episode.
Carpenter’s episode “Cigarette Burns” deals with a collector paying a down on …


The 1983 classic gets a barebones DVD release courtesy of MGM.
Silkwood is the biopic of Karen Silkwood, the Kerr-Magee Union activist who died under mysterious circumstances at a tme period where she was in the process of exposing a variety
of health and safety violations at the nuclear plant where …

My Bloody Valentine movie

My Bloody Valentine has risen to the level of cult status not so much by what’s on screen, but by what is not on screen.
In 1981, Paramount released this Friday the 13th clone in theaters on Valentine’s Day and, despite having a really cool theme (mad killer returns to …

From Hell Movie

Poor Alan Moore. He created some of the most visionary graphic novels to ever see print and the film adaptations almost always disappoint. LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN went from adventure satire to an X-MEN clone. V FOR VENDETTA went from chilling vision of the future to pushing political themes …

Almost Famous movie

This is my favorite movie of all time. I first watched it many years ago, when I was working at a video store and allowed to take home movies in the afternoon. I was, for the entire length of the movie completely enraptured. Since then, I …

Nanny McPhee DVD

Nanny McPhee is a great new movie that will remind you of the old days of Mary Poppins. I got Nanny McPhee last week when it came out of DVD and am really glad that I now own the movie. The movie is about a group of children who …

Cabin Fever movie

36 years ago a wacky cult movie called I Drink Your Blood, about hippies in an isolated area infected with rabies going on a rampage, delighted audiences with its audacious and over the top wackiness.
Here, we have a film of a similar theme, but it isn’t a delight. It’s …

A History of Violence Movie

David Cronenberg (SCANNERS, THE FLY) makes a long awaited return to the director’s chair with a fantastic feature film version of the God-awful comic book of the same name.
A man’s past comes back to haunt him after his face is plastered all over the news after he shoots two …

Hostel movie

Ever see a great movie that ended up being a disappointing movie before the running time was up?
Hostile falls into that category 100% Over sexed college guys trekking across Europe go in search of a Hostel where all their fantasies will be fulfilled, only to discover they are now …


Umm. Yuck.
I was lucky enough to see the 1981 rerelease of Vincent Price’s original House of Wax in 3-D in theaters and it was a visual treat.
And Price make an incredibly menacing villian. In this tedious, overlong box office dud, we get quite the incredibly
unerotic Paris Hilton deliver the …

Ever After movie

I am surprised that this movie is not better known. I’ve never heard of it, until I happened to see the videotape at our public library and decided to check it out. “A Cinderella Story,” the subtitle said. Well, I thought, that can be a good and a bad …

Akeelah and The Bee Movie

Akeelah and the Bee is a movie about an inner city child who is particuarly good at spelling. A school teacher encourages Akeelah to praticipate in the schools spelling bee and she wins. She trains with him behind her mothers back, and gets good enough that she goes to …

Resident Evil Apocalypse movie

Resident Evil Apocalypse is the second phase of Andersson’s work, linked to the successful game title Resident Evil.
This sequel, which would have been completely different from the first one, has made a lot of changes, but it remains steryl in the story.
Andersson, in fact, complicates his work introducing the …

Resident Evil movie

Resident Evil. As the name suggests we think we’re entering the world of survival horror…
Yes! That’s right. Because we’ve in mind the strong console Game “Resident Evil”. Really a success!
The question is: “Could a film reproduce the atmosphere of the king of horror videogames?”
According to Andersson, the Film Director, …

Love Comes Softly movie

This movie is based on a romance novel by Janette Oke. The story takes place in the 1800’s. A young couple, Marty and Aaron Claridge, are traveling West, hoping to find some good land. They come across a beautiful valley and decide to settle there. Before they can even …

Legally Blonde movie

I remember first seeing the trailers for “Legally Blonde” when the movie came out in 2001; they promised some laughs, but overall, I wasn’t impressed and did not go to see the movie. Elle, the main character, seemed too “girly” for me: a fashion-freak blonde wearing pink & high …

Dhadkan a hindi movie

Dhadkan is a big musical hit movie.Though the story was old,yet the way of presentation was new. That’s why it attracted viewers a lot.The story of the movie is simple.It is a triangular love story. Anjali(shilpasetty), a rich girl and only daughter of their parents falls in love …

Shadowlands Movie

This sad and touching movie is based on the true story of C.S.Lewis and his wife, Joy. C.S.Lewis (Anthony Hopkins), a life long bachelor, meets Joy (Debra Winger) when he is about fifty. They meet through letters: Joy is one of C.S.Lewis’ many readers, and she wrote to him …

The Others Movie

“The Others,” 2001, offers an unusual twist of a hunted mansion story. Grace (Nicole Kidman) is a young mother who lives in a large house with her two children, Charles and Anne, waiting for her husband to come home from World War II. The children are allergic to sunlight, …

Glory Road Movie

I loved the movie, “Glory Road.” I am a huge basketball fan, and this movie was the true story of the first coach to start five black players in the NCAA final game.
Because of the times, the movie had some lines which were no doubt truly spoken at …

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