Health Reviews

Vein Matrix supplement

So, I’m not exactly afraid of needles by any stretch of the imagination, but they aren’t a good friend to me either. I don’t cringe when some poor nurse gets the job of poking me, but usually THEY do. I have awful veins. It’s almost impossible to find a …

Vitamin C with Rosehips

I was having a conversation with a crazy friend of mine about how out of sorts I’d been feeling, and how it always seemed I was coming down with urinary tract infections that almost always led to kidney infections, and my sinuses were always flared and congested, and I …

Red Wine Plus resveratrol supplement

I’ll be honest… I had no idea what resveratrol was until I bought this product. But the bottle claimed all sorts of results, including a healthy cardiovascular system, immune system, capillary strength and lowered cholesterol levels. I had previously had a visit with my doctor concerning allergies, and some …

Brain Factor vitamin supplements

About two years ago, I started to notice a rather alarming occurance in my life. I would be sitting and writing on of my stories or poems, or working on a project, and suddenly my mind would start to wander, and I was left, minutes later, wondering what I …

Johnson & Johnson BAND-AID Waterproof Plus Antibiotic Adhesive Bandages,1 x 2.5

Johnson and Johnson products have pretty much been a staple in life ever since I was an infant myself. When I moved out on my own and had kids of my own, I pretty much turned to Johnson and Johnson for everything from shampoo, to diaper rash ointment, to …

Nexcare Active Waterproof Abrasion Cover,2 Sizes

With two teenage boys in the house who like to think of themselves as the next Tony Hawk or dirt bike officianado, I am almost always in constant need of having first aid supplies on hand at a moment’s notice. Just a few weeks ago, my youngest son, who …

Solarcaine Cool Aloe Pain Relieving Spray

I have tried many a kinds of lotions and creams and spray that claim to reduce the levels of severe pain that a sunburn can cause, mostly because I’m perpetually deathly pale and any time at all in the sun will leave me with an excrutiating burn. And, sometimes, …

Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Relief Spray

If there is one thing I’m very familiar with, it’s the effectiveness of anti-itch sprays. Because I can easily say I’ve tried them all! Every single one of the most popular, and probably a ton of you’ve never even heard of. I’m that unlucky individual who, when at an …

Bactine Pain Relieving Cleansing Spray

I am a mother of two rather rambunctious teenage boys who are always coming home from playing outside with their friends covered in scrapes of one variety or another. As such, I’ve become a sort of first aid expert, knowing what’s best for a particular situation and what not …

Nexcare First Aid Absolute Waterproof Premium Adhesive Pad

Now this was an interesting looking bandage, and I was absolutely positive it would work for me. Or rather, for my son. He had, a few years ago, fallen through some ice at the creek near our house and tripped and ended up slicing his ankle to the bone …

Bic Hybrid Advance Razor System

I’ll be honest and say that, in the past, I’d only use Bic razors if every other razor on the face of the earth had somehow disappeared. Usually it felt like you might as well be shaving your leg with a Bic pen, and gouging yourself in the process! …

Walgreens Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages,Assorted Sizes Knuckle/Fingertip

This Walgreens assortment of fabric bandages is probably one of my favorite kinds of bandaids to use. I, of course, truly appreciate how far first aid has come and all the liquid bandages and sprays and super duper thick rubbery bandaids but, in the end, I’m still pretty old …

New-skin First Aid Antiseptic Liquid Bandage for Small Cuts & Wounds

I still remember when the new-skin First Aid Antiseptic Liquid Bandage for Small Cuts & Wounds first came out several years ago, and everyone thought it was the coolest first aid product ever, and it was also definitely the most expensive at almost $15 a bottle. The prices have …

StaphASeptic First Aid Antiseptic / Pain Relieving Gel

I had actually never heard of this product before it was recommended to me by my son’s doctor. My son had injured his ankle pretty severely when he fell through a sheet of ice at the local creak and sliced his ankle against the jagged edge. He had to …

Emergen-C Multivitamin Plus Apricot-Mango

Although it’s certainly justifiable to call this drink mix a “multivitamin that isn’t a vitamin” since it does contain vitamins like vitamin B and C, it doesn’t actually offer as many vitamins, minerals and nutrients that a lot of multivitamins in pill form do. That means that this drink …

Ecedrin Migraine

Excedrin Migraine is the first over-the-counter medicine approved the FDA to treat all the symptoms of a migraine. Available is gel tabs, caplets and tablets it advertises to begin treating a migraine within 30 minutes of the first dose. Made by Novaris Consumer Health Inc. Excedrin Migraine is available …

Discover Bellydance: Beyond Basic Dance with Veena & Neena

After doing the Discover Bellydance Basic Dance program this morning, I realized it was time to take it to the next level and begin doing the Beyond Basic Dance program as well.
This more advanced dance workout still features twins Veena and Neena in a …

Clinique 7 Day Scrub Cream

I will admit that Clinique is quite an expensive brand, but with that investment of money comes something that really works. I have used so many facial scrubs that have somewhat worked for me so it’s hard to really know what works and what doesn’t. There are thousands of …

Discover Bellydance: Basic Dance with Veena & Neena

I’ve always found that the more I can add interest to my daily workouts, the less inclined I am to skip them. As I have always been fascinated by Belly dancing, finding exercise programs that incorporate the lovely moves not only motivates me to keep at, but …

Therma Care Heat Wraps

A year ago, I injured a muscle in my back while lifting a box. For several months, I suffered muscle spasms and tightness, especially when I first got up in the morning. A friend recommended that I try the Therma Care Heat Wraps. I looked for them the next time …

Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Supplement

Okay, granted, the Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon that I’m talking about is from the new vitality website, and is actually a canned food, but is listed on this homeopathic place because of its health benefits, and that’s exactly what I spent the ungodly amount of $29.95 for six cans …

Liquid Calcium supplement

I was recently at my doctor for birth control pills, and there was a big question mark there, because I knew I’d had problems in the past with birth control raising my blood pressure, but my doctor assured me that the pill he was prescribing was one of those …

Acai Berry Supplement

I’ve heard a lot of hooplah over the last six months about the health benefits of taking Acai Berry, which I believe is a berry from Brazil, I believe, and looks like a blueberry in a way, though darker in coloring, and it’s supposed to be incredibly high in …

Crest Pro-Health Night Mouthwash

I usually don’t ever use mouthwash because for some reason by the end of the day I’m too tired to do anything but sleep. And I’m not much of a morning person. But when I came home from my college dorm, I found this mouthwash in the bathroom. I …

Buzz Away Extreme Natural Insect Repellent

The one thing I really hate about spring and summertime are the black flies, ticks, and mosquitoes. One of my favorite natural bug sprays to use to keep those nasty insects away is Buzz Away Extreme Natural Insect Repellent. It does an amazing job keeping those insects away while …

Nature’s Place Organic 100% Pure Honey

One of my favorite and most affordable organic honeys to have on my English muffin or in my tea is Nature’s Place Organic 100% Pure Honey. It is so sweet and only has 60 calories per tablespoon, which is nice. The honey has a nice golden color to it …

Boiron Allergy Homeopathic Medicine

Recently my allergies have been so bad. I get sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, wheezing and sometimes hives. However, I do not like to take drugstore medicines to relieve these allergy symptoms. I personally like to take homeopathic medicine and one of my favorites to treat allergy symptoms with is …


I’ve kind of become a junky for homeopathic remedies for things within the last year, and one of the things I’ve steadily been on the lookout for is a good multivitamin. I sometimes have issues remembering to take vitamins, though, which has long been a problem for me. I …

Walgreens Saline Nasal Spray

Of the nasal sprays that I’ve tried in the past, and I’ve tried quite a few of them, the Walgreens Saline Nasal Spray is probably one of the cheapest at only $3 a bottle. I have pretty severe allergies and, for the most part, they last pretty much the …

After Bite The Itch Eraser ,Original Formula

I tend to carry a whole collage of first aid items in my purse at all times, so I like things that are small but easily accessible. I have two teenage boys who tend to get into things they shouldn’t, and aside from that, I also tend to get …

Select Source vitamins

I have to admit to having this slight addiction to trying new multivitamins. It wasn’t until about two years that I actually even considered taking a daily vitamin at all, but I was feeling a reduction in my energy levels and was just sort of “out of it” most …

Colloidal Minerals

I was a little hesitant to try Colloidal Minerals, because I remember a while back watching a televsion show about a man who took Colloidal Minerals for several years straight and his skin actually turned silver. There was no other negative side-effects, so it was almost like eating a …

Cayenne Plus Benefits supplements

About two years ago, I started to experience some digestional issues that I’d really rather not have experienced, as they ranged from inconvenient to sometimes downright embarassing. Crohn’s Disease runs in my family and affects the digestional system, and so I worried that was perhaps the problem I was …

Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages,Extra Large

This may be a strange thing to admit, but I have to say that I’m quite a bit of a bandaid afficienado. I have a very large emergency medical kit that has about four dozen different kinds of bandages in it and, sadly, I have need of them way …

Walgreens Aloe Vera Body Mist Gel

I just have to say that I think Walgreens is one of the greatest stores when it comes to cosmetics, medicine and general health-related products. I’ve gotten so many things from that store that I absolutely swear by and the Walgreens Aloe Vera Body Mist Gel is one of …

Hibiclens Antiseptic/Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser

I like having different kinds of antispetics around the house. I have two in the kitchen, three in the bathroom, and a variety of sprays and such that I keep either in my purse or in a slew of first aid kits we keep around the house for a …

Regenerist Anti-Aging Eye Roller

In theory the Regenerist Anti-Aging Eye Roller sounds promising. I mean, who wouldn’t want a product that delivers potent and transformative ingredients able to conquer dark circles, and deflate puffiness, in a few small swipes? Who wouldn’t want to massage away fine lines and wrinkles with precision …

Orly Refreshing Citrus Pedicure Soak

Foot massagers and foot soaks have always caught my fancy and I would leave no opportunity to get one for myself- if any of them from the market if they truly interested me. I strongly believed that these foot products were a great aid to help revive tired and …

Imak Eye Mask

My constant headaches would often leave me feeling just stressed and fatigued. Since I was prone to migraines - my headaches would keep surfacing even now and then. Although I did get rid of it taking various pain killers- I was on a look out for a non …

The Liquid Stuff detoxified drink

After reading an interesting article on detoxification of the body on the net, I felt it was an important process to keep my body healthy an fit. Since for the last few weeks, I had been touring and traveling and practically leading a indiscipline lifestyle- my body had …

Sunbeam Reneu Tension Relieve Heat Therapy Wrap

After a very long tired day at the office, when I returned home my daughter would just try to relax me by trying to press in areas of my shoulders and the back of my neck. Since my neck and shoulders felt fatigued and painful, this gesture of my …

Clearasil Stay Clean Tinted Acne Treatment Cream

My all time favorite acne cream to use is Clearasil Stay Clean Tinted Acne Treatment Cream. It has really helped clear up my blemishes and acne spots while covering them up so I can still look flawless throughout me day. Best of all I love that it treats and …

Celestial Sleepytime Throat Tamer Herbal Supplement Tea

When my throat is sore at nighttime and I can’t get to sleep I like to drink Celestial Sleepytime Throat Tamer Herbal Supplement Tea. It helps soothe my throat and relaxes me so I can go back to sleep fast without the use of medicines that make me sick …

De La Cruz Gentian Violet First Aid Antiseptic

I think liquid antiseptics are pretty much the best thing for any kind of injury you can find yourself with, which hopefully doesn’t happen often. However, in my household with two growing teenage boys there’s almost always one kind of accident or another that I’m battling with. Sadly, most …

ACU-LIFE Hot & Cold Therapeutic Foot Massager

My friend, for my 32nd birthday a couple years ago, decided to treat me to my very first pedicure. I was a little wierded out, admittedly, by having strangers touching my feet, and I’m very sensitive on my feet anyway, so I felt like I was constantly jerking my …

Tesco Ultra Super Towels with Wings Sanitary Pads

Tesco’s Ultra Super Towels with Wings have lots of good qualities about them, but I will not be buying them again as they were a total pain. The adhesive was not at all sticky enough and every time I went to the lavatory I would see that it …

Stamina InStride Folding Cycle

I’m really a relatively lazy person. I’ll admit it. I like to find work out routines that are easy on my body while still getting done what needs to get done. I have a problem with my back resulting from sciatica that can be somewhat painful when I walk …

Neosporin NEO TO GO! First Aid Antiseptic/Pain Relief,Spray

I am, ultimately, a woman of convenience. The easier I can make my life the happier I’ll be in the end and, as a result, the happier everyone around me will be too, because I will undoubtedly make their lives as miserable as I feel mine is! But, it’s …

ACU-LIFE Back Therapy Brace,One Size Fits Most

So about that one size fits most claim… definitely not. I hate to start off a review with a negative statement, but that is definitely the most obvious one I have to say about this product. I work in a retail environment in which I’m oftentimes required to lift …

Betadine Antiseptic Solution

Of all the things I’ve spent my money on, as far as healthcare products go, this probably has to be the more expensive of those. Sure, there’s a lot in the bottle, and a little goes a long way, but $18 for an 8 ounce bottle of Betadine Antiseptic …

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