Medicine Reviews


I have suffered from sleep difficulties within the past two years, and I have tried a variety of sleep medications, many of which have not worked for me. I recently gave Rozarum an attempt. It is a sleep medication that is newer and supposedly there is absolutley …

BC Powder

I can remember when I was still at home, mom would have a real bad headache and the first thing she would do for it, is get a BC Powder.
It would not take long for it to go away. She would be back to herself in no time at …

Yasmin birth control pill

I am extremely grateful that my doctor finally put me on the Yasmin birth control pills. I should explain that I am actually not on them for birth control purposes. I need them to control a hormonal imbalance that has been badly troubling me for about three …


Hydrocodone is a generic prescription for Vicodine. This prescription is for pain management. After breaking my ankle, I was in a lot of pain. The attending physician prescribed Hydrocodone for me. Because Hydrocodone may be habit forming, my doctor only prescribed a few pills with …

Ambien CR

Having trouble getting to sleep at night can be a difficult situation to be in. After many restless nights, I talked to my doctor. The doctor prescribed Ambien CR for me to sue for those restless nights.
My doctor was able to give me a promotional off from …


About three years ago, I came down with R.A..It hit hard and fast. I’m 42 years old and I could not get out of bed. My husband and daughter had to get me out of bed and help me take showers and so on. Even though I …


I used the contraceptive pill Triphasil for three years back in the late 1990’s and was pleased with the results…it was my first experience with a birth control pill, and it worked perfectly for me. Of course, I was very careful to not miss a dose ( I …

Alesse contraceptive pills

When I turned 35 years old, I began to have severe PMS symtoms that were not the usual symtoms. My usual symtoms were generally tolerable until that time. My PMS symtoms were to the extreme that I have ever experience. Erratic mood swings, pounding headaches, depression …

Hyabak 0,15%

People who suffer of dry eyes know that it is not easy to live with this pain. Artificial tears are necessary and Hyabak is a good one in this kind of products. Normally they say you need 4 drops in each eye every day but in many cases you …

Walgreens Pharmacy

It is no new knowledge that Walgreens has bought out Happy Harry’s drug store on the east coast. As a result, Walgreens now owns and operates the infamous Happy Harry’s pharmacy departments as well. Happy Harry’s has become notorious over the years in many east coast towns …


Any woman who is going to deliver a baby, should surely look into the option of being given a drug known as Stadol. Stadol is not a narcotic medication, so it obtains no qualities that could be harmful to the baby like many commonly known narcotics which can …

EPT Pregnancy Test

The EPT Pregnancy Test is the test on the market today. Normally pregnancy tests try to ascertain very early if hormone HCG is in your urine by doing this it can be determined if you are pregnant or not. EPT Test is the only test that can be used …

Refresh Eye Drops

Refresh Eye Drops are the only eye drop that I can use for my eyes. I do wear contacts, but my eyes are lighter in color, and highly sensitive to most products for the eyes. It seems that the slightest little thing can cause my eyes to …

Home for Terminally Ill Children and Families To Be Built In Delaware (medical)

Within the past year, Delaware papers have been announcing that the Alfred A.I. Dupont Hospital for Children is attempting to raise funds to build an actual home for children that are terminally ill, and their families in which to reside. Because A.I. hosts medical facilities and opportunities for …

Qvar Inhalation Aerosol

This Fall, after a bad bought of Bronchitis that left me quite breathless from coughing, my Physician prescribed Qvar Inhalation Aerosol.
Qvar Inhalation Aerosol, is a puffer or inhaler, that looks like any other puffer that I see asthma or environmental allergy friends use. Essentially its a small purple L-shape …

Benadryl Allergy

I have discovered that having a cat in the house is a wonderful thing. But the side effect is I am allergic to all the hair and dandruff on our cat. A friend of mine suggested that I get some Benadryl Allergy from the drug store and …

VCF-Vaginal Contraceptive Foam

VCF is an easy to use Vaginal Contraceptive Foam. It is sold over the counter without a prescription. VCF comes in a metal can with applicator to use for contraceptive protection. I found that the product was easy enough to use. The biggest drawback was having …


Hydroxycut is one of the weight loss pills that I decided to try. Wanting to shed a few pounds while not being able to maintain a regular exercise regime I decided that I would try Hydroxycut. I was drawn to it by an advertisement on TV and …

Jennersville Hospital

Jennersville Hospital sits squarely in the middle of Jennersville, Pennsylvania. While the hospital is not notorious for filling thousands and thousands of hospital beds, it has become increasingly popular within the Pennsylvania area. This hospital is a small hospital, which allows for patients to feel less like …

Absorbine Jr

Recently I pulled a muscle quite severely in my upper shoulder. I take mild painkillers, but find they alone are not enough to dull my shoulder pain. My Pharmacist suggested a liniment, and that Absorbine Jr, Original Pain Relieving Liquid was the way to go.
This is a great product! …


Xanax is a powerful prescription for calming the nerves. It shouldn’t be taken in larger quantities then prescribed by your doctor. As you take Xanax over time, you will notice that your body builds up a tolerance for the medication. That is why it’s important not …

Vicks Liquid Dayquil

DayQuil Liquid Form is manufactured by Vicks. It is an over the counter medication for multi-sympton cold and flue relief. I particularly like this DayQuil formula because it is alcohol free. You don�t get drowsy during the day after taking the DayQuil. I notice almost …

Minocycline medication

Although I have been off of Minocycline for about a year now, I am going to have to speak with my physician and have him write me a new prescription for this medication. I originally got on Minocycline because during the fall and winter seasons, my face will …

St.Francis Hospital Birthing Center

I would highly recommend St. Francis Birthing Center to any expectant parents who are looking for a less traditional labor and delivery process. St. Francis Hospital allows expectant parents to deliver babies literally right around the corner from the main hospital. Expectant mothers who have had no …

Liquid Maalox Regular Strength

Liquid Maalox is an over the counter medication that is used as an antacid and anti gas. In addition, it is used for relief of heartburn. Liquid Maalox is packaged in a white plastic bottle with refreshing mint leaves on the front to indicate its flavor. …

Jamieson Herbal Diuretic

After a disappointing and money wasting experience with an expensive fluid remover product, my Pharmacist recommended I try Jamieson Herbal Diuretic.
This natural product, is sold over the counter at Lawton’s drug store, and is fantastic. Jamiesons is a name I trust, as I have bought multi-vitamins and other supplements …

Viagra (medication)

Viagra advertisements have become literally rampid on our television sets, and on our radio sets. It supposedly is known as the “sex drug” for men, that keeps their interest and energy levels excellerated while engaging in intercourse. While I have heard countless commercials for Viagra, and heard an …

PB-5 Capsules from Herbal Magic

This Fall, as the result of having Bronchitis and having taken several prescriptions for antibiotics, I found myself retaining fluid, a lot of fluid. My stomach was so distended from fluid retention that I could barely see my feet. My doctor was reluctant to give me ‘fluid pill’ believing …

Xanax Drug for Anxiety

Are you suffering from anxiety? You may want to ask your doctor about xanax or it’s generic equivalent, alprazolam. I have suffered from panic attacks and generalized anxiety for over 20 years. Xanax has been what has kept me sane. You should start with a low dose to see …

Eckerd Pharmacy Store #3308

My visit to Eckerd Pharmacy Store #3308 was a pleasant experience. The parking lot was spotless and there were several cars present. With my walk through of the store, the shelves were well stocked and aisles were clear of product. The hanging signs over the center …

Kirkland Signatures Ibuprofen Tablets 200 mg

Ibuprofen is another name for the brand name Advil. I currently use Kirkland Signatures Ibuprofen for pain management and head aches. I found that the 200mg tablets of Kirkland Signature brand have worked just as well as the brand name Advil Ibuprofen tablets. I like the …

Cephalexin Monohydrate Antibiotic Medication

Cephalexin Monohydrate is an antibiotic that is used for treating bacteria infections. I had gotten an upper respiratory infection and the doctor prescribed Cephalexin Monohydrate to me to help treat it. The medication is in capsule form. It leaves a bad after-taste in my …

Lantus Medication for Diabetes

Lantus is an injection insulin for treating diabetes. It is a slow acting and long term insulin. Patients are required to take one shot daily. I found that Lantus works well in helping to control my diabetes.
Like other insulin, Lantus has to be stored in the …

Lyrica Medication

My doctor prescribed Lyrica medication for me to assist with diabetes neurological problesm. The medicine can make you sleepy when it’s first getting into your system. Once you get used to it though, that side affect wears off. I find that Lyrica has been a wonderful …


I am only 29 years old and already have severe tendonitis and arthritis in some of my joints due to years of pounding from sports. After Vioxx and Betra were taken off the market, I discovered Bextra. It is a Cox-2 inhibitor and anti-inflamatory medication. For …

Benadryl (medication)

I get terrible allergies in my eyes during the spring and fall months. If my eyes are really burning and itching, the cure for me, without a doubt, is Benadryl. Within twenty minutes after taking this over the counter medication, my eyes cease all watering and itching …


I tried taking ambien a while back because I was having real problems falling asleep at night. That medication will absolutely put me to sleep within about ten minutes. The problem that I had with ambien was that it did not keep me asleep for the duration …


After trying medication after medication for a back injury that I sustained after a car injury, I have recently tried taking Flexeril. Flexeril is a muscle relaxer, which is designed to eliminate muscles from going into spazms, or tensing after an injury is endured by a patient. …

Nyostatin Lotoin prescription medication

My babies have always had very sensitive skin, and tended to rashes very easily around their necks where those adorable little baby fat folds can tend to develop. They would also develop such sensitive skin irritations around their knees and thighs. Well, after trying virtually every single …

Christiana Neonatal Unit

My husand and I had three prematurely born babies that each required several week stays in Christiana Neonstal Unit in Christiana Hospital in Wilmington, Delware. Not only were were displeased with the hospital all three times that our children were in the Neotatal, but the whole process of …

Types of Depression

Depression is the basis of many other diseases that can be fatal. Depression if not taken care can lead to be fatal as well. We have several different classifications of depression. I would like to briely describe each one in this article and write several more articles on …

Major Depression

A person who suffers from major depression has a feeling of profound and constant feeling of hopelessness and despair. This type of depression may only occur once in a lifetime but it is very hard on a person. It effects your ability to work, study, sleep, eat and …


this product is god sent for me. it does what it says. I have been on it for 9 months. I did not have any side effects. my doctor suggested this because i was anemic and we thoght this would reduce the number of days of beeding.
I …

The Alfred AI Dupont Hospital For Children

The Alfred AI Dupont Hospital for Children, otherewise known as Nemours, is located in the heart of Wilmington Delaware, and is perhaps one of the most notorious hospitals for children on in the United States of America. Not only does Nemours commonly obtain only the most recent technology …

Eckerds Pharmacy

Eckerds Pharmacy is unfortunately, the closest pharmacy to our home residence. So, in terms of getting my prescriptions filled, I use their pharmacy services. While I must admit that the acutal pharmacists that work there could not be nicer or easier to work with, actually getting ahold …

Chronic Illiness and Depression

First we must understand what is a chronic illiness. The chronic illiness is usually one that last a long time and cannot be cured. A few examples are diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. According to the Cleveland Clinic who has done some remarkable …

Sperm For Sale

It is fairly common knowledge that you can find just about anything, and order it off of the internet. One thing that I did not realize until recently, was that you can acutally order sperm. Yes, now women who want to have babies but do not have …

Prednizone (medication)

I recently was put on prednizone, a common steriodal medication, because I had been in a car accident with a deer, and injured my left hip. The purpose of the prescription for prednizone was to reduce swelling in my hip. After approximately one day of being on …

Temazepam (medication)

Temazepam is a medication utilized to induce sleep if you are having difficulty falling asleep at night, and staying asleep. After trying several sleeping aides that did not actually seem to accomplish the task of helping me get a good night’s sleep, I got on the lightest prescription available …

Depo Provera (medication)

Depo Provera is one of the most common forms of the pill to hit the market in recent years. Obviously, its purpose is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. I, however, unlike many people, found the medicine to not agree with my system at all. Not only did …

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