Medicine Reviews


A few years ago, we had a death in the family, With all that was going on emotionally and physically, I was having trouble sleeping and I was also dealing with anxiety.
I called my doctor and asked for something to help me sleep and also ease the anxiety during …

Primatene Mist Inhaler

Recently I had a bout of Bronchitis that seemed to last forever. The cough was so bad that I would choke and gag with each coughing spell. These symptoms lasted over 3 weeks. Cough medicine did not seem to help much.
My doctor suggested that I try an …

Excedrin Back and Body

I have tried so many medications to try to relieve my chronic back pain. Very few have lived up to their claim. When I found out that Excedrin had a product for back pain, I decided to give it a try.
I noticed the two main ingredients in …

Excedrine Migrane

I had taken Excedrin for headaches in the past. I had a migrane once and tried a regular Excedrin and it didn’t seem to work. So when they introduced Excedrin Migrane, I was hopful that this product would work better.
So, I picked some up to keep on …

Ivy-Dry Super Itch Relief Spray

This past summer, my son developed poison ivy after playing in some woods near our house. It started out mild, so I went to the drugstore and the pharmacist recommended Ivy-Dry Super Itch Relief. She told me it would relieve the itch of the poison ivy, and also …

Breathe Right Throat Spray

My husband is a heavy snorer. About 10 years ago he had surgery and that helped for a few years, but he has recently started snoring agian and it’s been interfering with his sleep and mine.
He has tried Breathe Right Nasal Strips in the past, and they …

Phillips goLITE BLU Light Therapy

My husband has suffered from Season Affective Disorder for years, and therefore, he gets outside in the sun as much as possible, especially in the winter. When we moved from a relatively sunny city to a province where, in the winter, you can go weeks without a glimpse of the …

Tesco Antiseptic Lozenges (Cherry Flavour)

I cannot believe it but having just got over the most horrible flu like virus that worried me into looking up the symptoms of swine flu on the internet, I now have a cold. As a result of that virus, as it was quite severe on my chest, …

Canesten Cream

Canesten Cream is being advertised as anti-fungal medicine. It is for external use only and has been quite popular because it was being introduced in the market, it has some funny advertisements seen all over the television.
Well I actually used this cream and have proven it quite effective. …

BetamethasoneValerate (Betamethasone Valerate) cream

I once suffered from boils that would not want to heal. It was my sister who first got the boils and I was the one nursing her. I was treating him at home. What I was doing was to apply heat compress to fight infection from getting worse …

Extra Strength Tylenol

Extra Strength Tylenol is what I take for headaches and various pains that I sometimes get throughout the days. It’s fast acting and very effective. One pill lasts a very long time, and even after the effects wear off I don’t find myself having to take another as the …


Ricola is a type of herbal throat drop used when you have a cough or a sore throat. It is promoted as entirely natural, so that you do not have to fear that any additional chemicals have been added to your medicine. They come in many flavors, my favorites …

Skin Shield Liquid Bandage

I discovered “Skin Shield” quite by accident. I am a native-born Florida resident, and many of us Floridians, native and transplants alike, tend to run around in Flip-Flops instead of shoes whenever we can.
This past summer my wife and I decided we needed to get more exercise and took …

Patanol eye drops

Patanol is a prescription eye drops that I used to use when my insurance covered it. This was an eye drop medicine that helped with itchy eyes due to allergies. My eyes would puff and become blood shot red during allergy season, which for me seems to be all …

New Medicol Ibupropen

During my childhood days, I knew just one medicine that my mother was giving me whenever I got feverish. It was Medicol. It was the only Paracetamol that my mother and even my neighbors were actually using to heal fever. I could remember that whenever I have fever …

Calpol Paracetamol

It was my first year of motherhood when I was introduced to Calpol Paracetamol. My infant was having fever after he was vaccinated and I was so worried. It was the first time he had fever ever since he was born and I was so worried despite the fact …


I used to have some Sinusitis attacks. Those were actually but few but whenever they came I would say that I would feel really bad and helpless. I’m glad thought that I’ve not been having this for long because of daily intake of Vitamin C, daily exercise …

Diatabs Reformulated (Loperamide)

I used to hate Diatabs tablet. It was so big and so hard to swallow and besides its grayish color made it look quite dreadful. I tried several times to take that whenever I had no choice but it was really hard for me. So whenever I would suffer …


There is one antibiotic that does not really have any effect on me. It is Erythromycin. I know it could not treat colds, flue or other viral infection as its products descriptions states but I know that many of my relatives and friends are cured from their tonsillitis by …

Pensyn (Ampicillin)

I think my throat is very weak. Each time I’d take very cold drinks especially soft drinks even for just once I’d immediately end up with tonsillitis. I wonder why many people could afford to indulge in as many cold drinks as they want without suffering the same. …


When I was young all we had was Padrax to treat worm. It was in syrup form and it tasted so bad in my mouth that I dreaded taking that worm treatment when I was a child. I remembered that my Dad and Mom had to hold …

Celestamine Syrup

I remembered when I was just a newbie in the first job I had, I and my office mates ate our lunch together in the office. We all had packed lunch and we always share each other’s food. Lunch time was always the best time for us because we …

Strepsils Lozenges

Sore throat is a very disturbing condition. I normally get sore throat when I have colds and many times also when I engage in too much screaming like when watching games of my favorite basketball team. I do get sore throats too after long and vigorous business discussions. My …


I suffer from IBS, which means I suffer extremes of intestinal issues, from running to the bathroom all day to being constipated. I am on a prescription medication for my IBS which I take every day, but I have never found a gentle, effective medication for my occasional constipation …

Zicam Multi-Symptom Cold and Flu To Go

Gone are the days when you only have two or three choices when you need to purchase cold and flu medicines over the counter. Of course, there are so many brands and formulas these days that you can get confused and spend a lot of money trying to find …

Dimetapp Cold & Cough Medicine

A few weeks ago my 1 year old got sick with a cold. She had a runny nose and a slight cough. I used children’s Dimetapp Cold&Cough. It was recommended to me by a pharmacist in Brookshires on 102 E Ovilla rd in Red Oak TX. Her runny nose …

Equate Cold Head Congestion Nighttime Caplets

Because I have been feeling under the weather lately, I have used quite a few different off brand medications available at the local drug store. One of the products I’ve used recently is the Equate Cold Head Congestion Nighttime caplets. As a medication, it is meant to …

Nexium 40 mg

I’m a 35 years old woman and over 7 years ago I was diagnosed with esophageal hernia and the pain in the esophagus was horrible, it gave me a mad heartburn, it made me lost my job. I really did not know what I had until the day the …


Due to loads of stress my hair began falling like crazy, so I decided to consult a doctor to see if something could be done before becoming bald. She recommended me to use this lotion called Minoxidil, that is usually recommended in cases of hair loss, so I gave …


Stresstabs is probably the best thing you can take if you suffer from stress and anxiety; depression due to imbalance or chronic colds/flu etc. Stresstabs are stock full of vitamins. In the summer of 09 I experienced extreme anxiety and stress which caused me to become slightly depressed. I …

Philadelphia Jeanes Hospital

First off let me say the parking here is from hunger. It is such a huge parking lot. When I take my grandma to the hospital she has to walk this huge distance and I can’t stand it. I usually try to get her a wheelchair when she’s leaving. …

Trust Pills

Sometimes our husband prefer it naturally and wives are left sacrificing side effects of oral contraceptives. I was really pessimistic about taking pills because they often quote side effects. The foremost benefit of taking pills rather than using condoms is the hassle-free situation when you wanted the time. If …

Nexcare Tegaderm Transparent Dressing

Due to a minor accident in the kitchen, I suffered burns on my right hand - which was terribly painful. Even after applying an antiseptic cream on my burns- the burning sensation was making me go crazy. To make matters worse- my skin started peeling off- giving way to …


This is a drug that I was prescribed to help with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). I started out on one tablet daily of 500 mg the first week then increased to two tablets the next week then to three daily the following week. A total of 1500 mgs daily. …


This is a prescription medicine for controlling allergies. When I had insurance, this is the allergy medication prescribed to me. It was a miracle drug for me since the pill was small and easy to swallow. It really controlled my need to constantly itch and sneeze. My eyes were …

Children’s Motrin

Recently, I discovered that children’s medicine has changed a lot since I had young children. Not only are there far more choices of brands and types of medicine, but they work better too. I was visiting my friend who has a 3 year-old son for the weekend. We caught …

Cevit 500mg

I am 32 years old. In my everyday activities as an entrepreneur. It had been my part to go in many places to attend appointments with my clients. I never tried to take vitamin supplements. It was my view that although drugs are medicinal approach for treatment. Any vitamins …


I take Ponstan capsules to treat my aching gum and tooth. I used to have inflamed gum and it was giving me terrible pain. I should say this medicine has been really effective in treating unmanageable pain. But I only take this medicine when the pain has …

Primolut N

I once was diagnosed of Endometriosis and for that I was suffering a lot. I experienced heavy bleeding during my menstrual period. I had many uncontrollable menstrual periods that made me almost anemic. I was so worried that my condition was a sign of cancer. But my …


The worst urinary track infection that ever occurred to me was in 1992. My son was barely four years old then and while I was putting him to sleep when I suddenly felt a very sharp pain that was hardly bearable that I really cried hard. I felt a …

Ultra Strength Bengay Cream

We spent our weekend in the new home of my sister in law. I and my husband were invited by her sister to sleepover and see and enjoy their new place as well. It was a three hour drive from our home but despite the distance we found …

Diprogenta cream

Sometime in 1970, there was an outbreak of contagious skin disease in our village. It was characterized scabby lesions on the skin which was very itchy. The people called it by a native name “kurikong” or scabies in English. Nobody could really say if that skin disease was really …

Ibuprophen Kern

Kern laboratory prepares generic medicines, and Ibuprophen couldn’t be out of it. I have headaches very often, and this is the Ibuprophen that my doctor always prescribes me. However, a prescription is not mandatory to buy it in the pharmacy.
This medicine is very aggressive for the stomach, so I …

Anusol Cream

I am fighting embarrassment as I write this review as to admit that you have suffered from piles (hemorrhoids) is less than glamorous, although apparently they are a very common ailment. After all, constipation is a pretty common problem and straining when you try to go to the …

Zilactin Tooth and Gum Instant Pain Reliever

With growing age, the worst health problem I have ever been facing is my oral health. Though I try my best brushing my teeth religiously twice a day, I still encounter tooth aches every now and then. So whenever I encountered a toothache, my life just seemed miserable. Eating …

NightTime Multi Symptom Cold/Flu Relief

Recently, I’ve been suffering from a persistent cough and cold. Because I have always seen medicine at the 99 Cent Store, I wanted to give it a try. The NightTime Multi Symptom Cold/Flu Relief appears to be the off-brand version of Vicks NyQuil, so I wanted to …


I took Sangobion when I experienced insomnia while I was till in law school. I am very conscious about my healthy that I rather self medicate to replenish whatever is lost in the body. I am just so conscious about everything without even knowing the true purpose of this …

Alcon Systane Lubricant Eye Drops

About a few weeks ago, I started to notice a strange tick in my left eye. The top lid would twitch uncontrollably for a few minutes and then stop. This would happen about a dozen times or more a day. My husband recommended using eye drops but I ignored …

Benadryl-D Allergy and Sinus Ultratab Tablets

I have had serious allergy issues for the last seven years, ever since I moved from Arkansas to michigan, and the change in climate was like a slap in the face. The minute I got out of the car in the Michigan wilds (anything that isn’t a big city …

Bausch & Lomb Muro 128 5% Ointment

Every september, my husband’s work gets together and has a softball tournament that they train for for months. It’s all the stores in the district competing against each other. My husband is very athletic and I never anticipated he’d have an accident while playing softball of all things, but …

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