Medicine Reviews


Nexium is what they call the purple pill, and it is used for acid reflux. My sister was on Nexium for 6 months and it really does work. There really isnt any side effects with the drug, at least with my sister there was none. It heals the wounds …

Skilax (sulfolax) medicine

skilax (sulfolax) is a laxative that is used for the treatment of chronic constipation. this is the best available laxative. it is most affective laxative. but it should not be used be for a long time. this laxative is more affective than lactulose and other laxative and it is …

Ortho-Cyclen control pills

I have used a few different types of birth control pills. I started because my doctor said that birth control pills would help my irregular cycle and reduce the cramp pain from which I suffer. I was worried about starting on birth control pills because I heard that birth …


This drug is used to treat many things such as plague or acne or chlorea… etc. In my case it was used to treat mild acne (I think if its serious acne you need something stronger), in this case my doc had me take it because, even though it …

Tylenol 8 Hour

We all experience sometimes aches and pains that are stronger than minor discomforts. When I have minor aches and pains, I manage to simply try to ignore it until it simply goes away.
However, when I have moderate to severe cramps, Tylenol 8 Hour works like charm; it simply never …

Imodium A-D

I know that diarrhea is not a pleasant subject to discuus, but it is a very common problem that needs attention.Imodium A-D is a medication that treats your diarrhea effectively.If you have a sensitive stomach and are therefore prone to some nasty attacks to diarrhea, it is definitely a …

Pepto Bismol Extra Strength

As many probably know Pepto Bismol Extra Strength is a thick, pink liquid used to treat a variety of gastric disturbances, including heartburn, indigestion,upset stomach, nausea and diarrhea.
What I like about this liquid is that depite its horrible taste and texture, it definitely works.As long as you take the …

Ponstant 250

Most ladies suffer from menstrual cramps or dysmenorrheal pains. I have a friend who looks pale and irritated during her menstruation. She had several reproductive health check-ups and there’s something wrong with the formation of uterus that causes her dysmenorrhea. And can only be minimized when she’ll have a …


Xanax is a drug use to treat anxiety disorders, panic attacks and anxiety from depressions. This drug is so effective and can be habit-forming that is why it can only be bought with prescriptions.
Months ago I was diagnosed with depression and I became paranoid and had anxiety attacks several …

Clearasil Ultra

There are many people who got problems with pimples. It doesn’t only destroys beauty but it is irritating since pimples can be itchy and painful.
The type of skin I have is something that dries up on winter season and acnes, blemishes and itchy boils appears. I tried several products …

Benadryl Allergy Dissolve Strips

The little ones on our family often come home with some sort of respiratory allergy, which they probably got from school. It’s really hard to contain respiratory problems in school because children don’t know any better. And since it’s been almost the rainy season, my mother is concerned about …


It’s almost the rainy season in the Philippines, and I’m getting ready for the flu season. I’m actually stocking up on Bioflu just in case the drugstore runs out of it again. Since its release to the market some two years ago, it’s been the number one complete flu …


My 6 year old son had a very high grade fever with red eyes and headache. I already took him to see a doctor 2 days ago.His fever still persist and he refuse to eat and drink.He also complaint of mouth and throat ulcers.Then I took him again to …

IMAK Eye Pillow

It’s comfortable, and I use it when I can’t go to sleep. And that’s about all that I can say about this product. An eye pillow is a better way of calling an eye cover so you can sleep in broad daylight. It cost me $10. I only bought …

Goody’s Headache Powders

I think the people behind Goody’s Headache Powders weren’t really particular about the taste. Because mixed with water, the Goody’s Headache Powder tastes bitter. Imagine chewing aspirin tablets! Yuck! Thank goodness it can be dissolved and mixed with juices which make it bearable to drink.
Aside from the gross bitter …

Midol Menstrual Caplets

I have been using Midol since I got my first menstrual period as have my sisters. We have boxes of Midol in our medicine cabinet as there are 5 of us girls in the house. It used to work for me, never had a problem. Just popped one in …

Headache Ice Pillo by Core

If this product was designed to relieve migraines and headaches, it doesn’t work. It does feel good I admit, having cold compress on your neck, but it doesn’t do anything for my headache. It was a gift from my boyfriend, and he paid $44 for this. I wanted to …

Advil Ibuprofen 200 mg Coated Caplets

Advil has worked marvelously for my family. All of us suffer from minor to severe migraines, probably because we all have eye problems which may or may not be connected at all. But the most important thing is that Advil works for us. I just used to take it …

Children’s Tylenol COLD Suspension

During the rainy season in the Philippines, the hospitals are packed with children, 90% of them sneezing, coughing or nursing runny noses. A lot of doctors in the Philippines generally prescribe antibiotics, but my family is cautious when it comes to medicines. So my mother, who adores western medicine, …

Children’s Tylenol Suspension

This is one of my mother’s finds for my nieces and nephews when she visited California last year. Our family has always stayed away from antibiotics as much as possible, and when my mom saw one of her friends giving Children’s Tylenol to one of her grandkids, my mother …

Neosporin Antibiotic Ointment

My husband gets skin cancers on his face, and every time his Dermatologist has to remove one of his spots, my husband comes home with a stitch or two on his nose or ear. His Dr. always tells him to use an ointment called Neosporin to help heal …

Zelmac (tegaserod) medicine

zelmac (tegaserod) is used for treating people who have ibs with constipation. this medicine was introduced in 2004. it is quite affective in treating constipation for people who have ibs. i had used this medicine when i had severe constipation due to ibs and no other medicine was helping …


Overweight is a major problem in our society nowadays.Everybody wants to keep in shape and have ideal weight without suppressing your appetite.I got this problem 3 years ago after my 4 th childbirth.So I started to take Duromine daily.
On the very 1st day, I experience hot flushes and very …

MSM Defeated my Summer Allergies

Seasonal summer allergies, or hayfever, has been afflicting me for 30 years. I am allergic to grass, trees, and weeds. Every spring it started with the itchy eyes, throat and palate, then I got the stuffy nose and sneezing. It’s like I had a hard cold …


MiraLax is a medication that was only available by prescription for a long time but now it can be bought right off the shelves at your grocery store…
If you’ve experienced problems with constipation, you gotta try this. i love it because you can stir it into any drink and …

HQ Skin lightening gel

HQ Skin lightening gel from Neoceuticals is a good gel formulated for freckles, age spots, other discolorations in pregnancy and by use of contraceptives. I had skin discoloration problems on my chin area and the doctor recommended this gel from Neoceuticals, Neostrata, US. In my opinion …

Loperamide syrup for diarrhea

My baby had mild diarrhea with frequent passing of motion. I just consulted a doctor near by. He prescribed Loperamide syrup. This grape flavored syrup is effective. I gave just this single syrup to my 14 month old baby and diarrhea was gone after the medicine …

Doxycycline Doxylin

Urinary Track Infection and yeast infection are common infections to woman. I had tried having these infections once and my doctor prescribed Doxylin Doxycycline.
He discussed the whereabouts of this drug as effective in treating UTI, yeast infection, acne and certain malarias. It sooth the symptoms and treats the bacteria …

Cosopt eye drop

Hi, my name is Kristin Weingartner and I have a 3.5 year old son who has congenital glaucoma. He was born with this eye disease and has had to have multiple surgeries to control eye pressure. He also has been on a wide array of eye drops …


There are 3 important things I can’t leave the house without, my wallet, my cellphone and Novaluzid. It’s one of the few medicines that I’ve stuck to all these years for my ulcer. It’s not cheap, but it sure works fast. And it comes in small packets that you …

NY Doctor is a great website to find a physician state wide or even check on a physicians credentials. It gives you the physicians, medical school background, as well as any organizations he or she belongs to and most importantly if the physician had any legal …

Augmentin (Rx)

We all know that women are more prone of having a Urinary Tract Infection because Urinary Tract of women is shorter than men.
I have suffered several bouts of UTI and most of them attacked at midnight causing me some chills and fever.
When I have a UTI, my doctor always …


I remember taking medicine when I was 20 yrs. old for my sore throat. Yes! The effectivity of this medicine is good. My sore throat was gone after 3 days of taking this drug. However, here are some side effects of this drug to ME(pls. note that different people …

Celexa Antidepressant

Celexa is an antidepressant that I was on for a short period of time. I had very little luck with Celexa. In fact, Celexa made me more crabby. When I didn’t take it , I got an electrical, creepy type feeling up the back of my neck, …


When I gave birth to my second child, I got hemorrhoids. It hurts like hell. I couldn’t even stand up. I thought I was going to die every time I went to the bathroom. My doctor gave me medicine; it was gel type and had to be rubbed on …

Arithromycin Zithromax

Late last year I was diagnosed to have Chlamydia, the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) for young people today. I had symptoms like itchy feeling, burning sensation when urinating and I had discharges with foul odors which made me went to see a gynecologist and get tested and …

Maalox Oral

I’ve been suffering from ulcer since I was in 9th grade. And I have always relied on my medications to ease the pain, but when I got pregnant with my first child I couldn’t use the one my doctor had prescribed in the past. So I was given a …

Augmentin antibiotics for throat infection

My husband had throat infection and fever the previous week.Upon checking,the doctor said that it is severe throat infection.He also had cough and was tired.He had to take this antibiotic for 5 days with 2 tablets a day in the morning and at night after food.Initially for the first …


Every once and awhile I get a nasty case of heartburn or sour stomach and I take Zantac for this. I have tryed other things but to me the Zantac works just as well as the prescription acid indigestion medication that I have gotten from the doctor. Sour stomach …

Diane-35 contraceptive pill

Finally a contraceptive pill that works against acne! This pill was recommended by my dermatologist and not by my gynecologist, mind you. I was surprised when I found out that it was a contraceptive, when all along I thought it was an oral medication for my acne. Apparently, she …


I say I am allergic to this medicine my doctor says I only have a reaction to it.Same thing as far as I am concern.
It runs in my family,non of my kids can take it either.It makes us vomit and have diarrhea and stomach pain.
I am told that all …


I was put on this medication to lower my blood pressure.It is a combination water pill. That way,everything you need is suppose to be in one pill.It works very well but as with most,can cause muscle pain.You have to see your doctor at least once a month to check …

Neo-Aspilets chewable tablets

My son got sick today and I couldn’t find any fever medicine. My next door neighbor saw me walking out to my car carrying my son. She asked if he was sick again, and I said I was on my way to the pharmacy. She called out that I …

Ativan for Anxiety

I took Ativan on and off for years.I had no side effects out of the norm for this kind of medication.All drugs of this sort may cause decreased sexual disire but there are many ways of getting around this.
First you weigh which is more important.You figure out when this …


I have been taking the PREMSYN PMS maximum strength caplets for years now. I have always had a lot of problems with PMS(Premenstral syndrome) my whole life. It is a real problem for some women. I have all the symptoms, water weight, tension, headache, backache. I always know when …

Nature’s Resource Valerian

I have had a problem with insomnia all my life. I will do good to get 5 hours of sleep at night. I have gone to the doctor and they gave me prescription medications but they always made me feel so bad that it wasn’t hardly worth it.Some of …


Sometimes new doesn’t mean better.I took this drug for hypertension in the early years of my high blood pressure.
This is one of the few high blood medicines that I have taken without having any side effect.Funny though what I know now, I did have side effects I just did …

Procardia XL for Hypertension

Procardia is a heart medication and it is used to treat hypertension.
This medication is better than some and not as good as others.For me the side effect of coughing was the only noticable effect that was bothersome.
My blood pressure went down very nicely but I couldn’t deal with the …

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