Medicine Reviews


Alleon situated in Brooklyn .NY is the cheapest , fastest place for all kinds of surgical supplies. Ice bags, braces also they carry other things like bandaids, dressing, whatever one would need for their medicine cabinet and they are at least 1.00 cheaper on each of their …


It tastes like Robitussin, that’s what someone will say when something they drank tastes like cough medicine. Aside from the popular association with the brand name, Robitussin is one of my trusted cough medicines. Especially when I have that dry itchy cough that won’t go away; or when that …


For anyone who has been suffering from hemorrhoids, ultraproct might sound a bit too familiar. It’s actually a gel type medicine that is used to cure anal itch and hemorrhoids; and embarrassing as it may sound I have used it in the past. I actually keep one in my …


I’ve been having a hard time sleeping at night lately, so I’ve been feeling tired during the day. I take naps during my lunch and coffee breaks and feel energized. I just didn’t know that it could be some sort of disorder until I started oversleeping during lunch hours …


I never actually thought that Visine would help me but it did. I was riding my scooter when my felt an insect get into my eye. My left eye was teary even though I had it closed. I could feel the insect squirming under my eyelids. And it was …


I had a fever on Friday and my cousin wasn’t home so I was alone. I only had some Biogesic (Paracetamol) in my medicine cabinet. I was too dizzy and lazy to go out or even send a text message or call my siblings and my dad. Since I …


My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It seems that now that is all that children are diagnosed with. I reserched some of the medicines that can be taken, and Adderall was one of them.
It really worried me because this drug had a lot of …


From my experience working in heath care, I can tell you that many of my patients have been on the drug Atenol. This medicine is a beta blocker which is used to treat chest pain and high blood pressure. It can also be used on patients who have just …


Recently I had suffered from a summer fight with bronchotis. Let me tell you summer illnesses take a toll on you. I had a terrible cough, that just kept getting deeper each day. My Doctor at Kaiser Permantente put me on a Robitussin cough medicine, although …


I would say based from my personal opinion that Advil Advanced Medicine For Pain 200 mg, Liqui-Gels works well for me. It simply absorbs completely, and it provides a fast relief for my mild to moderate pain.
The solid tablets dissolve quickly and seem to be more bio-available. …


I have suffered from depression for many years. My moods would go up, down, diagonal, you name it. Through this time I was plagued by extreme fatigue, body aches and pains, and severe headaches. Every day was a struggle. Then my doctor suggested Cymbalta.
I looked …


If you experience problems with depression, then you should ask your physician about Lexapro. I have been on it for the past seven months, and I have never felt better.
Lexapro is a well tolerated, effective therapy for those who suffer with depression. I have tried many anti depressants before, …


When my nieces and nephews get diarrhea, the doctor usually tells them to drink plenty of Gatorade to prevent dehydration. I never really thought it worked, until I tried it myself. I had a bout of diarrhea and I was in and out of the bathroom. I thought putting …


I’ve been having a shortness of breath and a continuous headache last week. I thought I was having an asthma attack of some sort, and it didn’t occur to me that it was my sinus acting up again. After consulting with the ER doctor, he gave me Sinutab. He …


I have two small children who are constantly falling down and cutting themselves. Whenever I treat their cuts or scrapes, I always make sure to use Neosporin. I just apply it directly to the scrape, and bandage it up.
Neosporin does not burn on application. This makes it easy when …


Have you ever had red, irritated eyes? I have, and the one thing I can always trust is Visine. Visine removes redness from the eye in a matter of seconds, and it relieves irritation.
Visine is a sterile lubricant that gets the red out of the eyes and it moisturizes. …


I just saw this laying around my sister’s house, and it’s actually for her little baby. I asked her about it, because it was barely used. She said that she tried giving it to her two year old, but didn’t get the desired effect. She said it was too …


I took Prevacid for years, for reflux that made me hoarse, interfered with my singing career, and caused repeated sinus infections. I took 30mg once a day. At first it was a miracle drug. I felt better than I had in my whole life! My …


I’ve been taking Effexor, an anti-depressant, for 10 months. This is the second time this drug has been prescribed to me. The first time I took it (about 10 years ago), I was opposed to taking an anti-depressant just because I thought I could “buck up” and make myself …


I got burned by the muffler of my scooter and it was a terrible burn. The doctor said it was just minor and it would heal fairly well. But I didn’t want to take my chances so I asked for something to help it heal faster. He gave me …


My doctor had advised me to take Duphalac for my constipation problems which arose from my ulcer medication. It was working fine for the first two days. I was advised to take it once a day, as it was only minor. I had successful moved my bowel, even though …

Terramycin Ointment

I had a few cuts and bruises because I was recently in a motorcycle accident. It was nothing serious really, but I didn’t want to go around wearing pants to work all the time. My mom gave me Terramycin, she said it would help the cuts to heal faster …


Provigil is medicine that is used for people suffering from excessive sleepness, or people with sleep apnea. Many shift workers use this medicine to keep from getting tired toward the end of their shifts.It just helps to keep you focused and awake.
I use it just to keep me awake …


I was given Prilosec in 1998 when I was experiencing extreme heart burn and pains in my stomach. The pains got so bad, I would almost double over. When I went to the doctor, they ruled out an ucler and she prescribed Prilosec which was fairly new on the …


Been having problems with constipation because of a sudden change in my diet. I just saw the commercial and thought it might work for me. I was so bloated I was willing to try anything. But that was a mistake. According to the advertisement, I can take it when …


Advil Tablets have been used in my home for years. Not only does it relief muscle aches, it relieves menstral cramps, backaches, toothaches, and any kind of minor pain from arthritis.
Advil can also be used as a fever reducer, but I use it more for aches and pains. I …


Chloraseptic is a numbing throat spray that relieves a sore throat fast. When I have a sore throat, I walk around with a bottle of cloraseptic in my hand. It may not have the best taste in the world, but when it comes to numbing and relieving my pain, …

Trust Contraceptive Pill

This is a reliable contraceptive pill, and it does its job. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced some side effects such as water retention, you can see my feet were so bloated when it was my time of the month. I also gained weight while I was using this Pill, even though …

Gynera Contraceptive Pill

I used Gynera for over five years and I have to say that it is one of the best low dose contraceptive pills I’ve used. Since heavy flow and menstrual cramps have been a recurring problem for me, this is what my gynecologist prescribed. She said that it regulates …


Nexium contains the active ingredient esomeprazole. Basically, esomeprazole is th S-isomer of omeprazole and the S-isomer of omeprazole has been proven to be more potent than its other isomer, the R-isomer. Nexium is classified into the group of medications called proton pump inhibitors and they are mainly indicated for …

Xanax Medication

In today’s world, people are way too dependent on drugs. Although I believe that medicines, such as Xanax, do provide relief of certain problems, I also believe that people use these drugs as a way to deal with everyday problems, such as stress, or simply just living. I have …

Adderall XR 25 mg

I must start out with a confession… I am the last person on earth to resort to putting a child on ADD medication or any medication as far as that goes but my view on things has drastically changed since my step-son has entered my life. Now I have …


I have tried a lot of smoking cessation programs and products that are available in our country. But only 1 product was able to help me quit for good. I am a smoker and everyday is a struggle, but not anymore. Chantix, or Varenicline, is a twice a day …

Desogen Contraceptive Pills

I’ve been on Desogen birth control pills for many years now, and although I can’t say that I am side effect free, I can say that they are better than any of the other pills I tried. I did not experience any weight gain with these, except for …


First off, Lormide is Loperamide and is a medicine for diarrhea. It’s probably the cheapest brand, but not really the most effective. I have been forced to swallow this pill instead of the more effective brand and costlier one because my work place is trying to save on operating …

Snoggle Deluxe Pillow

When I was pregnant with twins, I had the hardest time sleeping. It did not matter if I was on my back or side, sleeping was just uncomfortable.
Every week, I would get emails from Baby Center and one of my emails showed all these cool maternity products. The one …

Acid Reflux Medications

My husband developed some acid reflux problems after the pattern of food and the timings at which he ate the food changed due to his work. This caused acid reflux a week ago. He had problems of reflux occuring at night time for the past one month. …


I call this the knock out pill. I was diagnosed with Venous Thrombosis more than a year ago and suffered severe migraine attacks. The doctors couldn’t use blood thinners to take out the clot in my brain, because I was hemorrhaging. I didn’t want to go through surgery either, …


I often suffer from ulcer but I don’t want to take my ulcer medication so much because it causes constipation. So if it’s just a minor stomach pain, I take Buscopan. It’s actually a form of pain killer for stomach and abdominal pain. From what I’ve read about Buscopan, …

Hansaplast transparent band aids

Hansaplast transparent band aids is a transparent strip. It is not quite good like other transparent strips. It peels off easily when applied to cuts. I had a cut the previous day on my hands and I used this strip for the first time. It …

Amitiza (lubiprostone) medicine

amitiza (lubiprostone) is the latest addition in the treatment chronic constipation. though there are only a few medicines that are available for the treatment of ibs with constipation and symptoms does not completely subside with these medicine but lubiprostrone is most affective treatment available for people who are suffering …

Dulcolax ( bisacodyl) medicine

dulculax bisacodyl is the most affective stimulant laxative available. its relieves constipation by stimulating the movement of the intestines. this is the msot powerful and affective laxative in the market and i have used this laxative to treat constipation and it effects better than other laxative. but it is …

Amoxil (amoxicillin) medine

amoxil is an antibiotic that can be used for treating different infections. generally amoxil is recommended for the treatmemnt of ear, nose, throat and other infections such as typhoid and fever. i am using this medicine since my child hood as a treatment of fever and sore throat and …

Dijex (aluminia magnesia/methicone) medicine

dijex is basically an ant acid that is very affective for the treatment of stomach problems such as indigestion and acidity. i have taken this medicine several times and effects are visible in about an hour. you feel relief from gas and acidity. dijex contains the following ingredients
aluminium hydroxide
simethicone(activated …

Motilium (domperidone) medicine

motilium (domperidone) is used for the treatment of digestive disorders such as delayed gastric emptying and people who are suffering from functional dyspepsia. it is also helpful for people who have irritable bowl syndrome. i have used this medicine to treat constipation and irritable bowl syndrome. it is slightly …

Duphalac (lactulose)

duphalac (lactulose) is mainly used for treating chronic constipation but i think that it is not effective if you are suffering from severe constipation. i have tried the maximum does of this medicine but it does not help in severe constipation. it can only help in mild constipation and …

Lysovit b-complex medicine

lysovit b-complex medicine is a multi vitamin come in syrup form. these are manufactured by pfizer company. it is usually for children who need some multi vitamin but adults can also use. it helps in providig relief from nausea. i have tried this medicine for nausea and it helps …

Acapella Vibratory PEP Therapy System

My husband has many lung problems. It’s not very often that we can find something that helps him very much.
We recently moved and his new pulmonologist prescribed him this Acapella Vibratory Therapy System. He called it a “Flutter Valve” too.
This device looks like a rubber bulb, sort of like …


Amoxicillin 875 MG / 125 MG oral, white, oblong tablets are used for a wide variety of bacterial infections.
It’s important to take this medication at regular intervals because it needs a steady amount in your system. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but …

Nexium Gastrointestinal Treatment

Nexium is the brand name of a drug called Esomeprazol that usually comes in presentation of 20 and 40 mg per tablet. I was prescribed this to help me heal from an erosive gastritis, but it can be prescribed as an adjuvant treatment for any number of gastrointestinal diseases …

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