Medicine Reviews

CVS Maximum Strength Sore Throat Lozenges Cherry

Whenever I find myself dealing with a sore throat, I have to purchase some sort of medication to deal with it. I always try to tough it out at first, but after a day or two of a throbbing throat pain, I usually rush to the store to see …

CVS Children’s Ibuprofen Oral Suspension Bubble Gum Flavor

I have always dreaded vaccine day around my house. I have two small children, and I typically take them to get there vaccines on the same day. Both of my kids do not have a high tolerance for vaccines and almost always seem to develop a fever. I like …

Fisherman’s Friend Menthol Cough Suppressant Lozenges Sugar Free Freshing Mint

I hate dealing with a sore throat, as I am sure everyone does. It makes it hard to swallow and talk, which is too things that are necessary throughout my day. I also always seem to suffer from a sore throat whenever I have a severe cough. I wanted …

CVS Ibuprofen PM Coated Caplets

I have some medications that I like to take for pain relief, but they do not work the best through the night. I was able to fight my pain, but was still waking up in the middle of the night to dreadful pains anytime I lay on my arm …

Get Better Bear Sore Throat Pops Grape

I have always had a hard time treating my daughter when she gets sick. She does not like to take most medications, but also cannot handle the cold symptoms. I knew that her throat was bothering her pretty bad, because she was complaining of not being able to swallow …

CVS Arthritis Pain Relief Caplets

I had been dealing with pain in my hands for over a year. It would sometime be mild, but other times get so intense it would bring me to tears. I did not take medication every day, but was looking for something that I could take whenever the pain …

CVS Pain Relief Rapid Release Gel Caps Extra Strength

I have always had a problem waiting for pain medications to get into my system. Though I have luck with a lot of medications, they don’t work quite fast enough to me. I was having some serious ankle pain, after I fell into a hole. I had noticed a …

CVS Aspirin Free Tension Headache Rapid Release Gel Caps

I feel that a headache is a burden that I really cannot handle. I usually can ignore a mild headache, but when it gets really severe I have to take something to help relieve the pain. I do not always keep headache medicine handy because I do not …

Zambon, Fluimucil 600 mg (effervescent tablet) mucolytic

So my horrible cough story continues. After shuffling between this and that to no success, I finally gave up over-the-counter drugs and sought the advice of a doctor. I was diagnosed with hypersensitivity to dusts. While this may sound atypical to me, I affirmed the doctor’s …

Ventolin (Salbutamol + Guaifenesin) Expectorant Capsules

Fortunately, among the prescription meds imposed upon me by my doctor, there’s one that actually worked. To make a long story short, I had dealt with mucolytic drugs for my cough since it began, and they were also part of my prescription, which, regardless of whatever brand name …

Ascriptin Regular Strength Tablets

Whenever I have really bad aches, I try to use the best products to manage it. I find that it can be difficult for me to treat pain and only want to use the strongest products. I try different medications always looking for the next best thing. One medication …

CVS Maximum Strength Menstrual Relief Caplets

I am pretty sure that I am not the only woman that hates to endure cramps and all of the other symptoms that may come with a menstrual cycle. Since my pain gets so intense, I try to find medications to manage the pain. I usually will take something …

CVS Extra Strength Non Aspirin PM Caplets

I have had pain that can lead to plenty of sleepless nights. I usually do not have pain that I can feel through the night, but when my muscles start to tense up, I can barely sleep without repositioning. I noticed I was waking up multiple times a night …

CVS All Day Pain Relief Caplets

When it comes to pain, I have a low tolerance. I can deal with pain, but would rather take something to get rid of it, so that I can function properly throughout the day. I was having some pain in the back of my legs, due to a new …

CVS 8 Hour Extended Release Acetaminophen Caplets

I have used many different over the counter pain killers in my life. It is hard for me to say which one is the best, but I do know which active ingredients usually work best for me. I have not always been much of a fan of acetaminophen when …

Veltin Gel

I’m using Veltin Gel (clindamycin phosphate 1.2% and tretinoin .025%) for acne treatment. I was previously on Retin-A Micro Tretinoin Gel, but that made my skin flaky, dry, prone to sunburn, and it made my acne much, much worse. After 7 months of use, my dermatologist switched me to …

Caladryl Lotion

When I was still in my elementary years, I remember I had a skin problem. I got it from not washing and cleaning myself well. I always spend my time playing around in the backyard. I returned home and ate my dinner and just washed my face. My parents …

Sebo de Macho Scar Remover Cream

I have few scars on my legs and on my feet. I have those ever since I was young. I thought the scars will fade while I grow up.
My dad trusts this Sebo de Macho ever since. He doesn’t let our house ran out of Sebo de Macho. He …

Caladryl Calamine Anti-itch Lotion

I just recently got back from a very nice vacation. Unfortunately, because of the heat I got some prickly heat rashes all over my back, shoulders and thighs. I have never had any problems before and this is the first time I have ever suffered from prickly heat or …

Icy Hot Naturals Pain Relief Cream

I have been dealing with more than enough muscle pain recently. I hate having to feel shooting pains whenever I move my arms around. I try to use whatever medications I have to dull the pain, but often find myself having to take pain killers in excess. I was …

Errin birth control pill

After the birth of my last baby, I needed to find a birth control pill that was safe for breastfeeding. My doctor told me there were very few options for breast feeding women; that is, there are very few hormonal birth control methods that are safe for breastfeeding …

Motrin IB Ibuprofen painkiller

I have always been a firm user of Advil, I have no idea why this became my preference, maybe because this is just what I always had in my house and that is what my parents used. Since childhood I have never veered from this standard. Recently, when I …

Solmux (Carbocisteine 500 mg) Mucolytic Capsules

I’ll start with the obvious, that I got these from the drugstore for my week-old cough. I ignored my coughing at the beginning, because I took it as an allergic reaction to the dusts. And yes my gut-feel was true, as it later revealed. By the …

CVS Strawberry Cough Drops

I am one of those people who do not deal with a cough very well. I found that it can be difficult to function when I feel like my chest is burning. With each cough I have, my chest starts to hurt. I also hate that my cough is …

Bactrim RX Tablets

When I had my first UTI, my doctor prescribed me Bactrim which is a really strong sulfa drug used to treat various infections. It works on pneumonia, ear infections, and urinary tract infections like I had.
When I first saw the pills I thought that …

Dulcolax Tablet 5 mg. (Bisacodyl)

I always watch out for my food intake since I have a sensitive GI tract. Aside from diarrhea and hyperacidity, there are times that I also experience constipation. According to my doctor, this is due to some improper food that I eat and my decreasing bowel movement. He told …

Zyrtec 24 Hour Allergy Tablets

The pollen has started coating everything and the flowers are up in the yard. That means that my eyes are red and itchy, my nose is constantly runny or stuffy, and my throat feels like I just can’t seem to clear it. In short, my allergies have …

Antiox Choco (Mebendazole) Suspension

Two months ago, I experienced itchiness of the anus. At first, it was just like three times a day. Then as days went by, it became more frequent. Until it came to the time that it itches all day. It was so irritating, frustrating, and annoying. I immediately thought …

Fern C

People are prone to diseases due to some factors such as unhealthy lifestyle, stress, or low immune system. To combat these problems, we need to take some vitamin supplements. One essential vitamin is Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It can be found from the fruits that we eat. Guava …

Premsyn PMS Maximum Strength Caplets

During my time of the month, I don’t experience too much discomfort. I have always had mild cramps until, I got my tubes tied. Since then I have found myself suffering from more premenstrual symptoms. I have moderately painful cramps and some days need a heating pad to reduce …

Little Noses Stuffy Nose Kit

Product Description: Stuffy nose kit for kids, this product contains a saline-like solution that is meant to clean out mucus from a child’s nose. We found it at our local Walgreen’s pharmacy for around $8 but I think it varies in price quite a bit depending on what store …


Motion sickness is really troublesome at times. If you are a constant traveler like me and you get to experience this most of the time you travel then it is better you know how to handle it. In my experience, I always bring with me a plastic bag just …

CVS Added Strength Headache Relief Coated Tablets

I do not find myself suffering from headaches often, but when I do they are really bad. I hate having to deal with intense headaches because they basically debilitate me. I often have to take a medication that can take the headache away in order to function properly throughout …

Oleia Topical Oil

Two months ago, I sprained my right foot. I put some ice packs and wrapped it around the injured part. Still, the pain persisted. It was swelling terribly and so painful at that time. I could not move readily. I had to be absent from work. Fortunately, one of …

Mefenamic Acid (Analmin)

Dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain is really uncomfortable and painful for women. Some women may not experience this but there are others like me, who get to experience this pain during menstrual period. It ranges from mild to severe pain. On my part, I have been suffering from dysmenorrhea since …

Nasonex Scent-Free Mist Intranasal Spray, 50mcg

Nasonex Scent-Free Mist Intranasal Spray, 50mcg
I was prescribed Nasonex Aqueous Nasal Spray (only available via prescription) by my doctor because I am highly prone to sinus infections. In fact, I usually get really bad ones about four or five times a year and they will last for several weeks, …

Assured Extra Strength Cold ‘n Hot Pain Relief Medicated Patch

Ever since I started to experience a lot of pain in my hands, I try various medications to dull the pain. I have found myself using patches often and I am always trying something new. I went into my local dollar store to pick up the Absorbine jr. Patches …

Loperamide (Imodium)

I remember when I was younger, a doctor prescribed me to take Imodium (Loperamide) whenever I have diarrhea. Imodium is just one of the brand names for Loperamide. It comes with a tablet, capsule or liquid form and is taken orally. Anyway, just a bit of information about diarrhea. …

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever

When I get a killer headache that nothing will touch, I know I can always rely on Excedrin to ease it up. I have had astigmatism since I was a small child, and on days where my vision goes blurry, I always end up with a very bad …

Lagundi Ascof Forte Tablet

The leaves of Lagundi or Vitex negundo L. is a traditional Philippine herbal medicine for curing coughs. Traditionally, Lagundi leaves were boiled and the resulting broth is drunk to relieve and cure coughs. In the form of tablets, it provides less hassle in preparation. Tablets also mean that …

Omeprazole for Hyperacidity

It is unhealthy not to eat on time and to skip meals. It will lead to some digestive problems, most common is hyperacidity. During my childhood days,I loved eating junk foods and I was also fond of drinking soda. I always skipped breakfast and ate more during snack time. …

Spring Valley Melatonin

This product was very cheap (about $5) at my local Wal-Mart store. I have recently started taking various vitamins and supplements during the past several months. Even though initially I did not expect for these products to have much of an impact on my body and the …

Body Fortress Super Nitric Oxide Pump Tablets

I purchased a 90 pill bottle of this supplement for about $10 from my local Wal-Mart. For the past year, I have been working hard to exercise and lose weight. While I already try to take vitamins and drink plenty of water, I was still looking for …

Midol Complete Pain Relief Tablets

Upon coming in to work today I realized that I might have made a mistake by not calling out. Not only was my monthly friend in for a visit, but also it was a hellish visit that seemed to include not only cramps but also nausea, chills, and even …

Panadol Extra Tablets

I work in an overcrowded, stuffy and noisy office and consequently, I have a big problem with headaches. I have been trying all kinds of analgesic medication to try and make my day more bearable. Over the past week only, I have used about five different products and none …

Middletown Valley Family Medicine, Family Practice in Middletown, MD

Middletown Valley Family Medicine, Family Practice in Middletown, MD
I have been going to Middletown Valley Family Medicine, the family doctor’s office in town, since my family moved there ten years ago. The employees are wonderful, from the secretaries to the nurses to the doctors. They are always friendly and helpful, …

Burt’s Bees Outdoor Bug Bite Relief

It’s getting to be that time of year when the bugs are out in full force. I am ready with my bottle of , Burt’s Bees Outdoor Bug Bite Relief. It is a life saver. I recommend this for any age person. It should be taken with you whenever …

Alaway Antihistamine Eye Drops

My eyes are pretty sensitive and unfortunately they tend to get irritated pretty easily. Sometimes I might accidentally drop some product into my eye while applying eye makeup or I might rub my eyes too much if they get itchy due to allergies. Either way, I deal with a …

Piriteze Anti Histamine Tablets - box of 30

Piriteze Anti Histamine Tablets
For anyone suffering from mild to severe allergies, hayfever etc, I really strongly recommend Piriteze Anti Histamine tablets. These are widely available over the counter in the UK, and less accessible (but still possible online) in the United States.
In terms of price, they are very …

Gentamicin 3mg Prescription Opthamalogic Antibiotic drops

I used to wear contacts– the semi-disposable kind that you wore overnight if you wanted, and then changed out at the end of two weeks. I developed a bad habit of leaving them in much longer than I should have, and I paid for it once when I developed …

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